Saturday 30 August 2008

Filipino Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Promote Microbicide Development

A bill seeking to promote the development of microbicides to prevent HIV and other sexually hereditary infections has been introduced in the Philippines, the Philippines News Agency reports. The legislation was filed by Rep. Narciso Santiago and states that the Department of Health and its components should growth research into the initial mechanism of infection by STIs. The bill also mandates that the wellness department evaluate the safety and efficaciousness of microbicides in animate being models; research the design of prophylactic device and non-contraceptive microbicides; analyze the developing of a mucosal bringing system; and create clinical trials and behavioral research on the use, acceptableness and compliance of microbicides.

According to Santiago, the social, health and economic effects of STIs ar particularly dangerous in development countries such as the Philippines, where women ages 15 to 49 are most stirred. Santiago said the STIs that could be prevented by the use of microbicides "enforce high human costs in pain, diminished quality of life, handicap and decease," adding that STIs "substantially enhance susceptibleness to HIV infection." According to Santiago, he hopes the legislating will "fall if non totally point" the banquet and impingement of STIs. Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV and human papillomavirus lay out two-thirds of new STIs recorded in the nation, Santiago aforementioned (Philippines News Agency, 8/21).

Reprinted with kind permission from hTTP:// You can view the integral Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or signal up for email rescue at hypertext transfer protocol://www.kaisernetwork.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon's Post-Wedding Fantasy Party

...more Mariah Carey �

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon got married months ago, although they have unruffled been celebrating their union, thanks to record political boss Antonio �L.A.� Reid wHO threw them a company this past weekend.

The Def Jam Records chairman held a plushy post-wedding phantasy for the newlyweds at his abode in Long Island, New York, hiring a massive team to co-ordinate the event for the ill-famed diva.

A source tells the New York Post that Reid �did it up� for Mariah and Nick, and guests at the event included Gwyneth Paltrow, Mary J. Blige, Kelly Ripa, Samuel L. Jackson and Star Jones.

Police were also allegedly called after the party ran well into the early hours of the morning.

Cannon and Carey ar reportedly continuing their have celebration, outlay the oddment of the week at a raise in East Hampton, New York, that they have rented for $125,000 (�62,D).

Monday 11 August 2008


Artist: Fonica




   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 11


Dowland, John